Category: Music

  • Udio vs Suno Which is the best AI music site to make your own free music? (SOLVED)

    How do I make my own free AI generated music? (SOLVED) OK more and more of these music production AI sites are popping up and most remain in Beta. I recently wrote about Suno here so will focus on Udio and post some samples here with a summary at the end. Udio allows you to…

  • When Human Lyrics, AI Music and AI Artist come together.

    So I have been playing with AI music (AGAIN). In this I wrote some lyrics for fun that applied to a gamer friend. But then used AI to perform them and add the music. These are the Lyrics I wrote (Human) as AI would need to understand the context and know the person. The AI…

  • Composing songs using Suno AI (with Results).

    What is the Best Music AI site? (SOLVED) OK so for fun I used the new music composing AI site Suno. I have a few friends whose names I have included in the music. I obviously kept it a bit abstract as to not include locations, surnames or identifiable info. I basically told the AI…

  • AI used to create new and final Beatles song

    It’s kind of scary but exciting, because it’s the future. Paul McCartney has announced that a rare and poor audio tape (Boom Box) recording of John Lennon can finaly be rescued thanks to AI sampling and repairing the audio file. The demo was one of several songs on cassettes labelled “For Paul” that Lennon made…