Tag: Virus

  • Stuxnet: The super virus that neutralized Iran’s Nuclear Weapon Program!

    Its an amazing tale of almost James Bond Zero Day virus creation! If you think for a moment your utilities are safe? Forget it! Then add today’s AI abilities? Its very worrying! Have fun and Happy days Surfwidow

  • GPU Security Hole – SSD Data problems – Snooper’s Charter Fail

    Security News SSDs (Solid State Drives) data retention fades over time unlike spinning mechanical disks. and The curious case of Graphics Cards (GPUs) being infected with a virus and Key Logger. I listen to a lot of podcasts and filter out the things that are ‘chewing gum’, but now and again my ears prick up…

  • TeslaCrypt

    TeslaCrypt – All your important files are Encrypted!  HOW TO PROTECT YOUR FILES FROM MALWARE ENCRYPTION! A while back we heard of a smart new malware called CryptoLocker, that once it installs itself onto your computer, it encrypts your data, so you cannot access it. It led to a world-wide hunt and finally the intelligence…

  • 5 Top Tech Stories of the last week – Bite-sized!

    Quite difficult this time as there was so much to choose from but I have focused on the major stories. Uber Cool! #495298219 / gettyimages.com There is little doubt that the biggest story of the month was Uber. If you have not heard about them you will! They are a car ride sharing service that…