How do you find Hidden Cameras? (SOLVED)

Hotels, toilets, changing rooms, and bedrooms? Nowhere is safe!

The rise in convictions for voyeurism demonstrates just how often this happens.

In one case an entire Hotel was fitted with them and the content streamed to paying viewers. The guests at the Hotel had no idea this was happening.

We all know about the risk of blackmail! Someone films you without your consent whilst you are nude or being ‘intimate’ and threatens to post this on adult content websites? But how do you stop it? Just how do you find hidden cameras or even know where to begin.

The video above is a good starting point. But that said, it has now come to the point where you must assume you are being recorded at all times especially when changing clothes or visiting Hotel rooms or similar accommodation that belongs to somebody else! You must assume you are being filmed in lavatories and bathrooms. Imagine what you are doing has an audience. Imagine getting changed on the Beach? In Public? Then do that in your hotel room cover yourself with a towel to change and be careful what you say! SOMEONE MAYBE LISTENING! :/

Have Fun and happy days?

